Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You Have Spare Time. Do You Want To Review A Couple Of Lessons?

Yes, reviewing is good. The first lesson took place on Sun Apr 19, 2009 at the San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival. The 90 degree weather taught me never be a stuck up. Hot weather makes me act grumpy T__T

Sunday, April 26, 2009
What Did You Learn On Sunday April 19, 2009?
I learned to be honest with myself. I learned to trust myself and trust my gut feeling. Speak up and have courage to make mistakes including talking, conversing, and asking questions. And cheer up!!! Don't be a stuck up.

The second lesson took place on Wed Oct 1, 2008 at home. I talked to a Southern California friend. My friend told me I raise my voice even when I'm not angry. (I take it from my Mom *__*) I still raise my voice much, much less often. I continue to improve raising my voice unnecessarily.

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Clarifying A Couple Of Misunderstandings
Man, you're angry and talking loud. It's scary :O What are you pissed off at? It's no big deal. I know it's not a big deal. I'm not really pissed off. Really, I'm not. I'm speaking the truth.

The misunderstanding is I raise my voice unnecessarily. I tend to raise my voice even when I'm ticked off at the littlest stuff. I'm really not pissed off. I know it's not going to matter one year from now. It's a family attribute passed on to me portraying me raising my voice pissed off which I'm really not pissed off. Thanks, Dad =P Yeah, many people misinterpret me as a psycho person who gets pissed off at anything. I'm an easy going guy who forgives and forgets the big stuff and the small stuff.

My face shows my anger easily and straightforward. In 99.9% of the situations, inside me, my heart is not pounding and my stress level is not going up. Trust me. It's my face portraying the wrong anger, the wrong frustrations for most big problems which are really small and forgettable hours later or the next day.

To prevent the misunderstanding in terms of any negative feeling including anger, frustration, and betrayal, I keep my voice calm and cool. I maintain a calm speak tone, except when I'm happy of course ^__^ Be calm. Be calm, act calm, think calm. And remember to breath :O

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