Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Short Q&A

Raymond Mar on going back to school. If your unemployed and doing nothing, then you must learn something to prepare for the recovery. I believe it’s going to take at least two years for the economy to recover. I don’t believe in the current recovery. I’m back in school learning new skills and knowledge to find a better job. Don’t sit on the couch watching TV all day. If you’re not going to school, do something, anything to keep busy. You may discover something new you want to pursue to make a living.

Raymond Mar growing up. I consider myself lucky I realized I must grow up. There are people older than me who act and behave like a child. And there are people who never grow up. Mature people don’t blame others for their problems. They take responsibilities for their actions. I see young people acting immature. That’s okay. They’re allowed to make mistakes.

Raymond Mar and cooking. I believe cooking is a skill everyone must know. My cooking skills are poor; however, I know enough to cook for myself. I respect anyone who buys groceries from a market and cook a meal. There are no microwave foods, frozen foods, and processed foods. The person buys fresh food, goes home, cook with appliances, and hot meal is served. The taste can be plain like my Mom’s, lol. The bottom line is if you cook, you have my respect.

Raymond Mar and life now. Life is good—well good in terms of free time. I make the best of my free time having fun: going back to the gym to get back in shape, working on my webpage, hiking, and finding anything new to do. Life is bad because I’m unemployed. For now, I live the present and take advantage of the free time before school begins in the fall and before I find a new job.

Raymond Mar and the movie First Blood. Finally, watch the clip staring Sylvester Stallone. I have a little more respect for him as an actor. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qIgVrOy9vM&feature=related

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