Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tell Me Something I Don't Know

Nobody knows everything in the world. I don't know everything in the world. I need to know more about living life. Ever since I realized I must grow up back in Oct 4, 2008, one of my life pursuits is catching up what I missed in my 20s. I felt I was behind in everything from life experiences, wisdom, adventurers, and knowledge.

I realized life is much better opening myself up. Stop the daily life criticisms. Forgive the people who gave me and I myself a bad time. Take responsibility for my thinking and actions. Life is really not that bad. I see life from a mature point of view. I'm growing up. I'm getting stronger, wiser, and better as a person. I'm meeting more people and making new friends. My circle of friends are expanding and growing in numbers. I'm visiting new places. I'm eating new foods.

I want the world to tell me something I don't know every day. I want my brain to grow bigger, sharper, and think quicker. I never stop learning. I never stop innovating my life.

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