Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Is A Moment Everyone Must Have?

There is a moment every person must experience. This moment is growing up. There are two ways the moment arrives. The first way is another person tells the person to grow up. The person can be a parent, close friend, sibling, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, ex-spouse, or anyone creditable in the person’s life. The second way is self-discovery. The person experiences the moment, the tipping point that being immature, being a jerk, and being a prick are over. It’s time to end the behavior of a teenager.

My moment I realized I must grow up was self-discovery. It was on Sat Oct 4, 2008 in Downtown Los Altos. I was walking to my car after visiting the Los Altos Arts & Crafts fair. I said to myself, “I must grow up.” I realized that after seeing all the families at the fair and seeing (comparing) the people inside the library playing board games. I played board games with a friend earlier in the morning.

It’s unfortunate there are some people who never experience the growing up moment. These immature people are everyone if one thinks carefully. These immature people work retail, blue collar, or white collar jobs. For instance, my co-worker at Colliers was immature, yet he worked at the company for a long time. We had a few brokers who were hard to get along with.

There are two articles that talk about growing up:’s John Cheese wrote about “The Reformed Douchebag.”

Forbes Magazine’s Michael Ellsberg interviewed Tucker Max, the bestselling author of “I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell.” Max is retiring from the wild life and ready to settle down. The interview is long.

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