Sunday, February 24, 2019

How Can I Be A Good Person When I'm Not Really A Good Person?

Blogger's note: Today's blog is posted at Innovating Common Knowledge and at Finding Raymond Mar.

My current life is unequal to a good person. I'm currently living a loser life unemployed, live with my parents, few friends, and too much free time; however, most of my free time is spent on taking care of my parents, taking care of the house, exercising, learning new job skills, and job searching. Also, I live maintaining the minimums of a trouble-free life such as being a law abiding citizen, controlling my expenses, and behaving a mature adult.

I have been learning everything to be a good person. I made mistakes. I'm lucky I started learning from my mistakes when I realized I must grow up on Sat Oct 4, 2008. I experienced new experiences. I found new adventures. I acquired wisdom. Problems are being solved. There are no endings to all of the above--innovate infinitely. My brain absorbs new intelligence. I fight the struggles.

Innovating Common Knowledge Blogs Are Nothing

Today I feel my blogs are nothing. There is no value when a loser writes blogs. There is no creditability. There is no sincerely. There is no honestly. I never experienced what I blogged. There is no value.

I must be a winner to make everything correct. I need a break. I need an opportunity. I need a blessing. I need a chance. Good luck is coming soon. It's time for good fortunes. These are clique. These are true.

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