Sunday, July 15, 2018

There Is A Reason For Everything In My Life

I have been unemployed for 1,170 days as of Sun Jul 15, 2018. Everything happens for a reason. Life has an explanation for everything. Maybe there is a reason for the four digit days unemployed. I'm catching up what I missed in my past before I realized I must grow up on Sat Oct 4, 2008. I continue catching up. I correct mistakes. I gain strength. I acquire intelligence. I experience wisdom. I'm paying back being naive before Sat Oct 4, 2008. I took life for granted. Life shut all my doors for 1,170 days. Can life shut all my doors permanently? Yes. Some people died living unfortunate lives. Life is unfair. People die everyday. If I die tomorrow, then I die working hard to open doors.

Trust life. Life tells me when I'm ready. Life flows with me. Life shows me the path. Life opens the doors. There are future days I connect the dots backwards telling my there were reasons I lived my past doors closed. My future answers my past. Life tells me the answer in time. Time is the ultimate judge.

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