Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Answer To The Question How I Live Life

What Is Your Answer?

I live my life to lower my chances of getting Alzheimer’s Disease.

What Do You Mean?

I consistently find new adventures, experience new experiences, meet new people, and get out and do something, anything. I stay physically active such as going to the gym and hiking. And I keep my mind focus such as reading books.

You’re Saying To Stay Active?

Yes. Stay active and do better. Always find ways to change so you be a better person. Never stop innovating your life—innovate infinitely. Never settle for the same routine day after day after day.

No Matter How Big Or How Small.

An active life creates big and small changes, adventures, and experiences. Try new foods, visit a new store, drive a different route from point A to point B, take a vacation, listen to new music, and watch a new TV show are some examples. Find a new hobby such as painting, gardening, and cooking. Hiking is an easy new hobby.

Eating Healthy Is Important, Too.

Absolutely. I like cooking as a hobby because a person can cook healthy meals. Cooking also saves money from eating out. Healthy eating and exercising are required to lower a person’s chances of getting Alzheimer’s.

What Are Some Side Benefits?

My life has fewer stressful moments, almost no boring times since there’s always something to do, I’m open to learn something new, and I smile daily. I stay positive. Make lemonade out of lemons when I have a bad day.

What can a person do tomorrow?

Go outside and do something, anything. First, eat a healthy breakfast. Try a new cereal.

Always Innovating and Changing Innovating Common Knowledge

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