Monday, March 3, 2025

Positives Wed Feb 5-Sun Mar 2, 2025

*Ate Costco Rustic Italian loaf bread and Old Trapper Beef Jerky for the first time.

*Super Bowl LIX.

*Watched The Eagle Has Landed (1976), Assault On Precinct 13 (1976), Black Sunday (1977), Capricorn One (1977), and Walk The Line (2005).

*Finished reading From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Koningsburg and Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer.

*Rearranged the clothes drawers

*Filed 2024 income taxes.

*Introduced myself to LockSport.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Positives Sun Jan 5-Tue Feb 4, 2025

*Watched Ricordi (2018), Lucky Number Slevin, To Live And Die In LA, Big Fish (2003), and The Boys From Brazil.

*Jogged with a headlamp on my forehead protected by a hat for the first time. The hat was a beanie hat.

*I also jogged with the ASICS Nimbus brand for the first time.

*Sprayed the car engine with a peppermint solution.

*Rearranged my bookshelf, tabletop gaming shelves, and stationary supplies cart.

*Finished reading When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead and Educated by Tara Westover.

*Began partial car wax parts of my car including the driver side doors below the belt moldings to protect from rusting.

*Ate pumpkin bread from Sweet Paradise for the first time.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Positives Mon Dec 9, 2024-Sat Jan 4, 2025

*Cleaned the house.

*Finished playing Black Mesa.

*Watched Poor Things, Gangs Of New York (2002), and To Kill A Mockingbird (1962) as a rewatch.

*Attended Enchant Christmas maze display for the first time.

*Jogged wearing CEP Calf compression sleeve for the first time.

*Repelled rodents in my car engine using peppermint extract on cotton balls.

*Played Tapple tabletop game for the first time

*Ate Wicklein Allerlei soft glaze gingerbread cookies for the first time.

*Finished reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Positives Wed Nov 6-Sun Dec 8, 2024

*Updated my webpage Innovate Infinitely.

*Watched The Last Temptation Of Christ, Brubaker, The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent, True Grit (1969), The Holdover (2023), and Oppenheimer.

*Cooked with Grill Mates Classic Smash Seasoning for the first time.

*Replaced my cabin air filter.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Dots Connect Backwards To Everything Except Financial Rewards

Blogger's note: Today's blog is posted at both Innovating Common Knowledge and Finding Raymond Mar.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." --Steve Jobs

I agree with the late Steve Jobs. I must trust myself what I'm doing today rewards me tomorrow. I have been doing the same since 2015. I review my existing job skills such as Excel and SQL. I learn new job skills such as Python and R. They're self job training. Job searching is five days a week. I exercise four days week consisting of two days cardio and two days strength training. I read books. I write blogs. I cook. I eat healthy. I sleep well. I learn life skills such as tying knots, typing Morse Code, making paper airplanes, and memorizing jokes. I catch up what I missed in my 20s and 30s. My movie of the week is on Sundays. I play video games once a month. Never stop learning. Innovate infinitely. Get up and do something, anything. Furthermore, I do my fair share maintaining the household. Costs are minimized. I control my leisure spending. Most of the above are boring; however, I make them awesome. I socialize with people outside the family post-pandemic starting in Aug 2024.

I have been doing everything correct. I have been doing everything right. I'm an example there are people who do everything right. The favorable outcomes don't happen. No job. No income. No freedom. Life moves slowly at best. I'm an example life is unfair. There are winners and there are losers. I'm one of the losers. I'm an example being a loser beyond my control.

What am I going to do? The answer is continue the present path. There are no alternatives. There's nothing to lose. I pay my debts to the family. I appreciate all who supports me. I help the supporters when they need help. Playing video games, watching television, and eating processed foods seven days a week are unacceptable; I might as well die.

A Shout Out To The People Like Me

I'm open to all suggestions to help me escape being a loser. I'm open to all suggestions to correct my unrealized mistakes. However, I don't want to hear easy answers and clique solutions. Go back to school? No. Get a part-time job? Depends. Unlikely my job skills match any part-time position. Network? Overrated. There are too many people applying to the too few job openings. Attend job networking seminars? A waste of time for 90% of the unemployed attendees who are losers. Hire a professional to improve your job search? Waste of money. Most of a professional's advice can be found online for free. Freelance? Not a match with my background. You said do something, anything earlier--do something? I said it. I'm not doing anything half-ass. All-in or all-out. I have nothing to lose. It's a judgment call.

I recognize myself and I recognize the millions of long-term unemployed people with bad luck and bad timing. I recognize us as false losers. Good opportunities pass us. We do our best sincerely. We cause no trouble. We make our lives and the people in our lives as easy as possible.

Update On A Past Blog

Some people experience the opposite Life Is Good Because It's Predictable And Certain on Jan 20, 2025 when President-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated. I wrote the blog on Jan 20, 2022. These people are uncomfortable living an unpredictable life. These people desire a predictable life with 99.9999. . .% accuracy. They don't want bombshells. They want to keep the same security blanket. The 47th President is uncertain as of today. The 2025-2028 future is unclear. Time is the ultimate judge Trump makes the correct decisions for the United States Of America.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Positives Wed Oct 9-Tue Nov 5, 2024

*Watched 1917, Notorious (1946), Indiscreet, and The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford.

*Booster shot Pfizer vaccine. Sixth shot overall.

*Finished reading 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami.

*Ate bibigo Steamed Dumplings Chicken & Vegetable and Birds Eye Garlic Chicken for the first time.

*Flashlights, first aid kit, and smoke detectors checked.

*I voted.

Monday, November 4, 2024

300 Revisited 2

Blogger's note: Today's blog is posted at both Innovating Common Knowledge and Finding Raymond Mar.

The number 300 references my 300th blog I wrote on Dec 7, 2008. I selected my top 30 blogs out of the first 300 blogs I wrote. I updated the top 30 blogs for the first time on 300 Revisited on Feb 4, 2009. I update the top 30 blogs for the second time. These are good changes. The blog is another example time changes people's thoughts and opinions. The edits are as-is.

1. Never take anything and anyone for granted.
2. Trust my gut feeling.
3. My [updated] daily top five rules for living: (1) Don't criticize, condemn, and complain. (2) Don't act like a jerk or bitch. (3) Always speak calmly and be calm. (4) Don't daydream when driving. (5) Keep your head up high . . . look at their cute face when talking.
4. Continue to live life finding what you want to do.
5. Never judge a person by their appearance.
6. Remember to learn from 03/02/23-->[your] failures as well as your successes.
7. It takes patience to learn who a person is for long-term family, friend, business, and romantic relationships.
8. Do something else to take your mind off something you hate.
9. Meet new people and make new friends continuously.
10. It's OK to be alone.

11. You must earn what you want in life.
12. You are responsible for yourself.
13. 12/29/16-->Schools have summer vacations; life doesn't have summer vacations. Life has vacations. Life has seasons like sports and TV series. Fiscal years, resets, endings. Life can say one continuous life; however, there are chapters, volumes, parts, checkpoints. 12/29/2016-->There are times in our lives everyone needs to stop and take a breath. Time outs and checkpoints are part of life.
14. Age is just a number.<--05/04/21
15. Have courage to say goodbye to anything precious.
16. First years, first impressions, first go-around, and first successes are equally important as second years, second impressions, second go-around, and second successes.
17. 07/12/14-->Everyone has the right to find happiness. Pursue happiness to find happiness.
18. Be patient. Never rush.
19. Take life one day at a time. 12/31/16-->Increment from Freakonomics. 04/26/15-->Have fun, learn, and enjoy.
20. If you talk the talk, you must stand by your talk.

21. Do something to receive something.
22. Money is a way to help people, create action, and show appreciation.
23. Fight the pain, the suffering, and the struggles to keep living.
24. Use your mind to see.
25. Time is the ultimate judge.
26. Live the present. Live the moment 07/06/15-->[intelligently].
27. Wait 24 hours for goods or services less than $100 and 48 hours for greater than $100 to avoid the urge to splurge.
28. Do the little things and they add up in time.
29. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.
30. When you in a jam, go back to the basics.

I include a bonus. The lessons I learned attending De Anza College:

1. Everyone is human.
2. Go with the flow.
3. Timing is everything.
4. Use it or lose it.