Monday, June 19, 2017

Positives Thur May 25-Sun Jun 18, 2017

*Different cleaning the house. Spot spot vacuumed common walk areas downstairs. Spot vacuumed all walk areas in the entire house.

*Shopped at Sports Basement for the first time. I purchased Klymit Static V Sleeping Pad.

*Finished reading i, Robot by Isaac Asimov.

*Shampooed my hair with Head & Shoulders Eucalyptus for the first time.

*Cooked with Mrs. Dash Seasoning Salt Free for the first time.

*Watched Fast Times At Ridgemont High movie.

*Golden State Warriors won the 2017 NBA Finals.

*Purchased Exped Synmat UL Winter LW sleeping mat.

*Ate Ferrero Rocher candy for the first time.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Control What You Can Control And Trust Life What You Can't Control FRM

Blogger’s Note: I wrote two versions for today's blog. I rejected my first version because it was another daily activities or recent events blog my regular readers know. However, I choose to post the first version here because I express my frustrations and I share a life lesson. Click Control What You Can Control And Trust Life What You Can't Control to read my second version at Innovating Common Knowledge.

I believed in fate when I was in high school and college. My life was set. There was nothing to change. Live my life what was given daily. My freshmen and junior high school years were good. My sophomore and senior high school years were bad. My college years were similarly 50% good and 50% bad. My post college life in my 20s were mostly good than bad. I should have experienced a better life in my 20s and in my early 30s.

I realized I must grow up Sat Oct 4, 2008. One discovery was don't take life for granted. I took life for granted. Nothing bad happened. Nothing good happened. I lived a quiet life. I lived a boring life. I lived a life nothing ventured nothing gained. I had my share of moments between post college life and Sat Oct 4, 2008. Those moments were poorly executed. I didn't earn my successes. My successes were mostly good timing and good luck; however, some professionals believe it's better to be lucky than good.

I also discovered I must control more of my life. I'm doing the best I can in my present situation. I job search five days a week, learn new job skills and/or refresh my existing job skills five days a week, sleep eight hours a night, workout at the gym four or five days a week, minimize eating processed foods, and pace myself. I find time for leisure such as reading books and watching movies. I control my proactive response to earn independence. However, I can't control the job market such as hiring managers rejecting my resume and the recruiting system. I can't control companies reducing job openings. I can't control the economy sluggish growth.

I must trust what I'm doing today results in an independent me tomorrow. I must trust my choices living as unemployed today an independent employed me tomorrow. I must trust life being unemployed today to be independent employed me tomorrow. I stop living a frustrated life every weekday I stay home instead of earning an independent living because I can't control everything in my life. I must trust whatever I can't control destiny, fate, karma, Feng shui, chance, and life flow my way tomorrow.