Sunday, January 15, 2012

Top Mistakes Part 3

I continue sharing my top mistakes I made in life. We become better people learning from our mistakes. Here are mistakes 7-9:

Mistake 7: Trivia Is Not Trivial

I avoided trivia because it was a waste of my time and brainpower. Who cares about trivia? I rather spend time studying while I was in school? It’s not going to help me get a college degree. It’s not going to help me get a job. I have better use for my time than read useless information and memorizing weird facts.

The lesson I learned is trivia can be good. Trivia can be used to start a conversation. Trivia, if used properly and discretely, can be funny and make people laugh. Trivia can bring people together. I have witnessed it.

I signed up to receive daily trivia on my Twitter at Trivia Cafe.

Mistake 8: Doing Nothing And Waiting For Something

I did nothing and waited for something to happen during most of my 20s. I say it with sadness, angry at myself, with regret, and forgiveness. I realized life doesn’t come to me on Sat Oct 4, 2008. Seek new adventures. Experience new experiences. Learn something new.

I created a personal motto: Get out and do something, anything. That’s the lesson I learned. It’s simple, clear, and straight to the point.

Mistake 9: Food Is Food. It’s All The Same.

My mom told me food is food. We ate the same food and cooked the same way 95% of the time. I enjoyed that food. We cooked easy and healthy. I thought we ate good tasting home meals. I got bored eating the same food as time went on. The taste became bland. There are better ways to cook healthy and tasty food. In short, my mom taught me to cook lazy, cook with minimal mess, and cook enough food so I don’t cook the next day or two.

The lesson I learned is put heart into my cooking. Put effort and sincerity in preparing food. Learn how to cook new dishes. And always improve my cooking skills.

Always Innovating and Changing Innovating Common Knowledge

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