Saturday, November 1, 2008

How Do You Handle Frustrations?

The frustrations question came up in my mind when I walked to the Cisco security badge building to reactivate my badge Thur late morning. I was frustrated earlier when my direct manager and my department manager I support choose to modify the criteria for the quarterly numbers. I was really frustrated. Really!! I said in the conference call, “You’re kidding . . . .” Then I caught my error and said, “And that’s with respect.” Everyone laughed `__* And I kept my calm by speaking calmly. I didn’t raise my voice. Whew :>

I do a poor job handling frustrations. The reason is I rarely experience frustrations. I do a good job avoiding frustrations by preventing possible frustrations when I complete my responsibilities and plan ahead for assignments, errands, and events. Later in my life as I earn more responsibilities and participate in more activities the chances I experience frustrations increase, and it’s scary :O

Frustrations happen daily anywhere and anytime. Frustrations are normal. Frustrations are a valid human emotion. The process to deal with the frustrations determines who is grown up and mature or immature and just gives up. The frustration I experienced Thur morning after I calmed down, I accepted the new criteria and recalculated the quarterly numbers. I accepted the quarterly reports were going to be completed past due date and management recognizes the set back. Go with the flow and remember to take a deep breath *inhale, exhale*

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