Saturday, August 25, 2018

I'm Wasting Air

I'm a white collar worker living a blue collar life like the textile factory characters from the movie Norma Rae. The exception is self job training. I live a life with no reason. I live a life with no purpose. There is nobody to live for. I'm not working to make a manger look good. I'm a human being wasting another human being's breathable air. I'm unemployed. I live with my parents. I job search six days a week. I job train five days a week. I workout at the gym four days a week. I complete my daily house chores including cooking, laundry, and cleaning. I take care of my body on the outside shaving and showering. I grew out most of my friends-- natural separation. My circle of friends is tiny. I have a little fun on the weekends. There is no stress. I stay out of trouble. No money worries.

The Glue Keeping Me Together

Some people break living a similar life. I know there are people living a similar situation. What's keeping me together is being a good guy. Don't take out my frustrations on other people. Don't be a jerk. Be professional. Stay strong. Be brave. My quiet life is an understatement. I live a boring life. I fight my struggles. I continue living life finding what I want to do. Most days I trust gut, life, and karma I earn an opportunity to achieve freedom. There are a few days life tells me to forget it because I'm a loser. There are winners and losers in life. The reader must acknowledge it.

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